Changing in the working protocols during Covid-19

Changing in the working protocols during Covid-19

After the first and second waves of Covid-19, the third wave of this pandemic continuously affecting health and economics, and other sectors of life. Government and health organizations took measures to confront it. Every kind of event has been abandoned. Schools, restaurants, shopping malls, cinemas, and parks have been closed. Additionally, numerous changes inside the range of working segments have been endorsed.

As claimed by the International organization, throughout the world, around 68 percent workforce, counting 81 percent of employers alive with prescribed workspace closure. 

Does the question arise how offices base business would work in this situation? Is this suitable for every industry to work remotely? For sure it isn’t. It’s a fact that a few companies are not 

  • skilled enough or have a lack of control to assist virtual way of working style. But it may depend on the sort of industry that works from residence is suitable for them or not. 
  •  So what is the meaning of performing remotely? Working from home incorporate hardware also programs with fast technology. Through social media, businesses acquiring the opportunity to work remotely.


By following international and government-based protocols in the working conditions Geekayz is strictly following SOPs for its workers and trying to create premises safe for its workers. 

  • Teach and energize respiratory behavior, counting covering hacks and sneezes.
  • Maintain a strategic distance from confronting to negotiations.
  • Dishearten laborers from utilizing others stuff like water bottles, tissue and lunch boxes, hand sanitizers, and other stuff like that.
  • Stay in their cabins in break hours
  • Get pay rates through bank ATM
  • Clean your working equipment like a computer keyboard, mouse, and table edge with wipes before leaving.
  • Maintain 6 feet distance from each other.
  • Isolate employees feeling unwell with manifestations like cough, fever, or shortage of breath.
  • Instruct your staff with measures taken in advance to obstruct something dangerous.
  • Staff meetings intend to be grasped by using technology.
  • Screening firstly to workers before sending them physically to fundamental

